Monday, March 2, 2009

i like pizza

hello sisters. where's the pizza when you're looking for it?
if i'm not particularly interested in pizza, it's overflowing
and available without shipping. but if i thirst for it, the cup
runneth way under. i'm just saying. is there a way one might
harness this irony? or iron this heresy? is there a universe, a
string cheese theory that doesn't charge extra? well, all i know
is like a 3 meat combo with bell peppers and fresh tomatoes
atopped after, sounds really good right about now. that might
be my only point. the rest being overstatement.

Monday, January 12, 2009

my left shoe

not to be confused with the daniel day lewis film. but the thing is,
my left shoe keeps coming untied. or, i should say, my left shoes. for
no matter the pair i wear, it seems destiny has given me the task of
ever bending over to attend to this odd business. does my left foot
somehow flex more in its attempts to keep pace with the right? is that
it? the ever-flexing creating an ever-untying? OR is it, perhaps, and i
use the word perhaps in thought, some kind of spiritual actualization...
you know, God saying basically, 'thou hast been somewhat
un-Right-eous in thy dealings-- not to take away from the lefties we
all know [this is the Lord still speaking] for they are a generally fine
folk... your new prez for example... and such cute kids-- and therefore
a reflection of this will manifest forth in thy adidas and such." this is
disturbing on a couple of levels (there may be more levels, but i haven't
had coffee yet). first, but not least, would the Lord use a bad pun to
make a point? secondly, this mingling and manifesting the spiritual
with the physical makes me think, as i bend to my shoe for example,
that i may ought to consider more than using a double knot or the
need to do the occasional sit up.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

song about nothing

(hear the bloody thing at:

this is a song about nothing
simply a means to fill the space
between the lines and the things
that merely
go on

out on a street to nowhere
nothing to do so take your time
and when it's gone you'll go where
did it go to?
i don't know
do you?
ah, nevermind