Monday, March 2, 2009

i like pizza

hello sisters. where's the pizza when you're looking for it?
if i'm not particularly interested in pizza, it's overflowing
and available without shipping. but if i thirst for it, the cup
runneth way under. i'm just saying. is there a way one might
harness this irony? or iron this heresy? is there a universe, a
string cheese theory that doesn't charge extra? well, all i know
is like a 3 meat combo with bell peppers and fresh tomatoes
atopped after, sounds really good right about now. that might
be my only point. the rest being overstatement.


Tucker said...

This doesn't mean a whole lot to me because it's addressed to "sisters." Other than that, it hits the nail on the head - proverbially.

dan pegoda said...

i think of you as a sister.